The search for a permanent home for Salle D'Armes Bosco took a long time. At first, leasing was an option. As you might expect, the best locations in the city were too expensive. The affordable places were in bad sections or in factory areas. These places were also run down. The choice was to either charge high fees (and only get affluent students) or move to a more rural area. We chose to move outside of the main city of Huntsville, Al. Our salle is located on a 1.6 acre wooded lot, in Toney, AL, across the street from farm land. We have plenty of parking.
We are continuously improving accommodatons. Presently, we have the following:
One of the most important functions of a salle is the close social interaction of the members. It is important that they have an area to rest, have snacks and soft drinks, and have great conversations about fencing. However, students will be discouraged from spending more time socializing than fencing. The socializing area has: